Because our office is small, we are able to provide personalized attention when handling billing and insurance matters. Our clerical staff are experts at working with insurance companies, and in particular working with surgical claims. We encourage you to call, email, or write the office staff with any questions, problems, or comments regarding billing and insurance. If you have a problem paying your bill, please let us know. Discounts are available in hardship situations.
We will fill out and submit the insurance forms related to the care provided by the Evergreen Surgeons. If you are a member of a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) for which we are “providers”, we will bill them directly. Our surgeons are providers or preferred-providers for most local HMO, PPO, and POS plans. Feel free to call our office with questions regarding coverage details for your particular plan.
We accept assignment for all Medicare claims, and are providers for the Wisconsin Medical Assistance and Badger Care programs.